The newly redesigned digital marketplace DEBTVISION

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The newly redesigned digital marketplace DEBTVISION

During the past year, the DEBTVISION platform was extensively modernized to enhance the technological performance and improve the look and feel of the platform. The new design was rolled out on Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

During the redesign, great emphasis was placed on an intuitive user interface. Users can now navigate more quickly to the information they need on the platform. In addition, the menu navigation and navigation bar have been redesigned, and the responsive design allows users to use the platform on standard mobile devices. In addition to the new design, the permissions on the platform have also been optimized. With a newly designed rights package, which was designed modularly, rights can now be assigned individually to each user access. In the course of the redesign, the structure of the terms of service was also modified and modularized. For all users of the platform there is now a “General Part” and additionally a “Special Part” for the specific user functions on the platform.

You do not have access to DEBTVISION yet but you are an active Schuldschein investor?
Then get your free access here.

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