LBBW is now sole shareholder of DEBTVISION GmbH

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LBBW is now sole shareholder of DEBTVISION GmbH

Stuttgart, February 15th, 2022 – LBBW Venture Capital GmbH acquires the minority share of Boerse Stuttgart GmbH. From now on, the LBBW investment company and previous majority shareholder will hold 100 percent of DEBTVISION GmbH.

In 2018, LBBW and Boerse Stuttgart founded the platform provider DEBTVISION GmbH. Boerse Stuttgart was an important partner for DEBTVISION GmbH for the launch and development of the platform and made a valuable contribution to a fast start of the platform with its IT know-how. In the meantime, the platform has entered a new phase of its development by DEBTVISION GmbH bundling the technical know-how and the IT know-how it has built up itself in the meantime. This combination makes it possible to implement customer requirements even faster in an agile mode. As a first step in this development, a comprehensively revised version of the platform software will be rolled out in the first quarter of 2022.

With the establishment of the DEBTVISION platform, a central goal of the partnership between LBBW and Boerse Stuttgart has been achieved. Both partners have therefore agreed to terminate the partnership. Boerse Stuttgart GmbH transferred its minority share in DEBTVISION GmbH to the LBBW Group as of January 1st, 2022, making it the sole shareholder of DEBTVISION GmbH.

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