LBBW UP2date! The video magazine

The new video magazine LBBW UP2date provides facts and expert opinions about the Corona crisis. In the latest episode on blockchain and digitisation, Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner from Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) reports on Distributed Ledger Technology as well as the Corona-App and DEBTVISION CEO Christoph Steinbrich talks about the effects on the Schuldschein market and the role of digitisation in the crisis.

Schuldschein. Digital. End-to-End.

The digitalisation of the Schuldschein marketing process was only the first step in digitalizing the complete Schuldschein process. With the focus on process efficiency, the second step is now to digitalize the currently paper-based documentation processes in the settlement. How this works and what benefits the digital settlement process offers is explained in the following.